Monday, February 14, 2011

Week Four Roundup - Percy 1 - Flab 0

I've completed Round One of my journey from Flab to Fab and I have to say I've conquered a huge mountain in just four weeks! I never thought I could stick to a plan that limited my eating habits and took out some of my favorite things all together! However, I stayed the course and I made it through, losing a total of 26.2 pounds!

The chemical diet I was on really helped me take the bad stuff out of my eating habits and help me realize that there are things I don't need to eat on a regular basis! I don't miss the sodas, the carbs, the sugar, or the sweets. Actually, the sweets (my downfall) as treats are much more rewarding when you have limitations on it rather than just taking it for granted and indulging in it on a daily basis.

I am nowhere close to my goal weight of 175 pounds, but I am that much closer to that I have finally reached my driver's license weight of 210, something I have not seen since the start of the new millennium - or somewhere around there! Now that I have completed this first step, I need to keep the course, find my own stride in my daily eating habits, and get use to eating regular stuff again - this time in moderation! I am afraid that without eating guidelines to adhere to on a daily basis that I may eat the wrong things and gain the weight back. But, that's a fear and I am making sure keep moving towards my goal rather than slipping up. I don't want to go back.

I continue my daily workouts at 6am and walking at lunch. Let me tell you it's hard to wake up and motivate myself to workout, but I am doing it. I am forcing myself to get up and out of bed and to just do what I can. I am on week three of my P90X workouts and I have to say that I am noticing the difference in my strength and ability to do more of the workouts as the weeks go by. The yoga piece is still really hard for me as I am not at all flexible, but know that I will get there in time. I am able to do more push-ups, still on my knees but at least I am raising ankles off the ground now. I am doing my best and forgetting the rest! X

There are a lot of things that made me feel good during this first phase of my transformation. The best feelings was being able to put  on clothes that I have not worn in years and have them fit loose on me. That feeling is so MOTIVATING and a feel good moment! Another thing is people telling you how great you look and that they have noticed a difference in attitude and the way you carry yourself. The other thing that is nice is noticing that people are looking at you and smiling and acknowledging you. Not sure if this is psychological...maybe they have always looked and smile, but now I notice it more frequently. Now I know what my husband meant when he said he does not feel invisible anymore after losing 156 pounds from bariatric surgery. Trust me, the acknowledgment is nice, especially when in my own head I know I still have a long way to go to get to Fabulous from FLABulous. It's all a process, but the positive reinforcement, no matter where it comes from, is truly a motivator.

Week 4 Facts
Starting Weight after Week 3: 216.4 lbs
Week 4 Weigh In: 210.8 lbs
Week 4 Weight Loss: 5.6 lbs

Total Journey Profile So Far
Starting Weight on 1/17/11: 237 lbs
Weigh in on 2/13/11: 210.8 lbs
Total Weight Loss So Far: 26.2 lbs

Like I said, I still have 35.8 lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 175 lbs. I know that I will not lose large amounts of weight, but I am hoping to loose between 3-5 lbs a week through a mixture of working out and watching what I eat. In 7-11 weeks, hopefully, I will be at my goal weight, May 1, 2011, and hoping that I have a tightened mid-section and more defined arms and chest. Wish me luck on this next phase... four weeks to complete Phase 2 (March 13, the day before my birthday).

Thanks again for listening to my ramblings and for your support! Let me know how I can support you!


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